New in Cinema 4D R19: Release 19 Viewport Enhancements and PBR Workflow

Photo of Cineversity

Instructor Cineversity

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  • Duration: 04:00
  • Views: 25967
  • Made with Release: 19
  • Works with Release: 19 and greater

See your scenes come to life like never before with multiple viewport enhancements.

With the significant viewport enhancements in CINEMA 4D R19 the experience of lighting and shading has become more streamlined. The addition of updated reflections for area lights and HDR based lighting allows you to easily explore the look of your project without long render times, while DoF preview and Supersampling allow you to prepare stunning previews to send off to clients.
In this tutorial you’ll be given a quicklook at the new features added to Cinema 4D R19’s Viewport.

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In Cinema 4D Release 19, the viewport has gone through another round of improvements which include a PBR workflow, screen space reflections, depth of field preview, and updated settings for the hardware renderer. You may be wondering what PBR stands for. This means physically-based rendering, and it's used to establish workflows that lead to better results when realism is the end goal. This means that in R19, you'll be using a new PBR material as well PBR lights to get more realistic results, faster. You can create a PBR material by selecting New PBR Material in the Create menu of the material manager. The PBR material comes set up with defaults geared towards working in a PBR workflow, which focuses on using the reflectance channel as the key point of adjustment for your materials. When working with the PBR material, you can control the color of the material using the layer color attribute of the default diffuse layer, while the reflection of the material will be controlled by the default reflection layer, giving you control over things like the roughness as well the Fresnel value. By default, the lighting in the scene is going to come from a default environment, but this is really just for the viewport preview. But if you add a Sky Object for rendering to your scene, it will use the material applied to the Sky Object as the source of this environment. You can then rotate the sky to change the direction of the lighting inside the viewport or you can even change the HDR that you're using to adjust the lighting. This provides you with an extremely quick method for previewing different types of lighting inside of your scene. The improvements to the lighting preview don't stop here. If you add a PBR light to the scene, you'll get a light object that is set up to use the PBR workflow. This makes setting up lights in your scene incredibly easy, because you can see an accurate preview of the diffuse lighting and reflections, while mostly eliminating the need to do intensive preview renders along the way. When it comes to the materials in your scene, there's full support for up to 16 layers in the reflectance channel providing accurate representation of the mixing and masking between layers, as well as full support for bump and normal, helping you get closer to the look you want with fewer test renders in between. So you can go from beautiful shiny metal to dusty porcelain in a flash. If all of this wasn't exciting enough, a preview for depth of field has been added to the viewport, giving you a general idea of what is in focus in your scenes. So, feel free to use the Pick Focus tool to start exploring different looks for your scene. Last, but not least, you'll find the Screen Space Local Reflections. When dealing with mirror-like surfaces like the floor here, you'll be able to enable Screen Space Reflections, allowing you to see reflections of the actual geometry in your scene. Finally, all of these enhancements also carry over to the hardware OpenGL renderer. You can start by clicking on the Enhanced OpenGL, and then choose any of the effects that you want to be included in the render. You'll also find a new supersampling option. While this can take a little bit longer to render, it can produce far superior results compared to the Anti-Aliasing settings. And it can also be used in conjunction with transparency. So, with Cinema 4D R19, the viewport now provides a clearer view into the 3D worlds you create with a selection of enhancements that help you create materials faster, set up lighting with ease, and create stunning hardware previews to send off to your clients. Also, be sure to check out the other videos on for more information on the other great new features available in Cinema 4D Release 19.
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