Modeling and Animating Toothbrush Bristles: Prepare Toothbrush for Bristles

Photo of Vic Garcia

Instructor Vic Garcia

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  • Duration: 12:27
  • Views: 2794
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

Prepare toothbrush for the bristle hair. We will use the Cloner Object and CV-Boole Tools.

In this lesson, we will create the bristle growth pattern for the toothbrush using the Cloner Object and CV-Boole Tools. We will use a reference image of a real toothbrush to help guide us along in creating the growth pattern.

To get CV-Boole Tools, download and install CV-Toolbox

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- In this lesson we're dive right in and create the bristle growth pattern for the toothbrush using the cloner object and CV Boole Tools. We'll use a reference image of a real toothbrush to help guide us along in creating the growth pattern for the bristles. Let's go ahead and take a look at the toothbrush based at C4D file. I'm going to press Control D to bring up the project settings. This toothbrush is modeled to scale. It's really small. Before I started modeling it, I set the project scale to 0.1 and the units to millimeters. This is about 100 times smaller than the default scene scale of 1 centimeter. This means we won't have the problems of gigantic primitives or inaccurate depth of field or any issues with dynamics you sometimes run into with improper scene scale. With that said, let's take a look at our reference image. So this is my toothbrush. I have not used this. I promise it's not dirty. What I really like about this toothbrush is that it's pretty unique. We have a few things going on here. We have a ring here in the center that shares these two clumps of bristles with this bottom ring. And we have a different pattern up top and then a similar pattern to the top pattern here at the bottom. It's pretty unique. So let's go ahead and get started. I'm going to minimize this. Let's go up to our primitives and let's select a cylinder. And I'm going to move this cylinder right up to the toothbrush head. I'm going to dial down the radius to 0.7 millimeters. We want these cylinders to be pretty small because we're going to use these to bore through the toothbrush. Let's give this cylinder a height of four millimeters and I'm going to just bring that up above the toothbrush. And we're going to start off by making those yellow rings. Let me bring up the picture viewer again. So the top yellow ring has 10 clumps and then the bottom one has 8 because it shares these two clumps with the top one. Let's go ahead and go up to MoGraph and with the cylinder selected, hold down the alt key, and click on Cloner. That's going to place that cylinder inside of the cloner. Let's go ahead and change the mode of the cloner from linear to radial. Change the XY plane to XZ. Let me change the display from Gouraud Shading to Quick Shading Lines. That way we can see things a little better. And let's press F2 to go to the top view. Move back a bit. For this top ring I need 10 clones. Let's dial up that count up to 10 and let's bring the radius in to 3 millimeters. Pull back a bit and I'm going to move this up just a bit. The other thing that I noticed from the toothbrush is that these two clumps of bristles that both rings share it's perpendicular to the z-axis. So we need to rotate the cloner, just slightly, about 18 degrees. Let's go ahead and do that. Let me minimize this. Type in 18. Now you can see these two cylinders are now perpendicular to the z-axis. If your z-axis looks something likes this, that's because your're in object mode. You want to switch over to World Mode. Just click on this icon. And now we can just duplicate this cloner. So hold down the Control key and click and drag here in the viewport. Let's bring it right on top of these two cylinders. We'll bring those two top cylinders right on top of the other two just like that. I'm just going to zoom in and make sure that they're sitting right on top. Now we need to get rid of these two cylinders from this duplicate cloner. So let's make this cloner editable. Press C on the keyboard. It's going to make it editable. Let's open up the group and let's delete cylinders zero and cylinder one. Okay, now they're gone. Let's move back. And let's just confirm that they're gone. I'm going to move this one down. You'll see that now there's eight cylinders for this bottom one. Hit Undo and bring it back up. Let's go ahead and create the set of four clumps of bristles that go inside each of one of these rings. Go ahead and select the original cloner. Control Click and Drag here in the object manager to create a duplicate. Let's set this one to have four clones and a radius of 1.2. Now we need to reset the rotation. So let's go down to Heading. Let's type in 0 and now they're going straight down. Let's go ahead and duplicate this from here in the viewport. Hold down Control. Click and drag. Let's just eyeball this and set that right in the center of the other ring. Let me pull back a little bit. Let's bring up the picture viewer. For this top set of bristles we need to have six of them and then to make the bottom set we need to just duplicate this top set and delete this one clump and rotate it and we have that bottom set. Let's do that. I'm going to grab this cylinder from this top cloner. Only the cylinder. Control, Click, and Drag it out to duplicate it and let's bring this one up right to the top. And then we're just going to Control, Click, and Drag. Bring that one down. Again I'm just going to eyeball this one. I'm just going to Control, Click, and Drag to duplicate. And then duplicate it again. Set it right there. Duplicate it again. Then grab this cylinder on the left and duplicate this one and bring it to the right. I'm going to grab these six cylinders and then Control, Click, and Drag to duplicate once more, all of them. I'm going to grab the Rotate tool. Hold down Shift to constrain the rotation to 10 degree increments. Rotate it around 180 degrees. Go back to the Move tool and just move that up a bit. Let's get rid of this bottom cylinder. Delete it. Let's press F1 to go back to the Perspective view and there is our pattern. That looks really nice. Before we do anything else let's rotate these to where they're aligned with the head. Right now they're not aligned. So let's press F3. Let's select all of our cylinders and cloners and press S to focus in and grab the Rotate tool and just rotate them all till we get that similar angle to that toothbrush head. That looks pretty good. Let's press F1 again to go back to the Perspective view and next we need to collapse these or combine them into one object. Having one polygonal object just makes it a lot easier for Cinema 4D to calculate the Boolean and it also helps with animating the toothbrush. Things just move a lot faster. So I'm going to use CV-Boole tools for this. If you don't use CV-Booles Tools you can download it via CV-Toolbox. I highly recommend it. It just makes the whole Boolean process a lot easier. I'm going to go up to Plug-ins and go under CV-Boole Tools. I'm going to pull this tab up. But before I do anything, I want to make sure I collapse these cloners. So let me go in here and collapse them all. There we go. And now I'm going to select everything, all the cloners, everything minus the toothbrush. And all the cylinders. And then click on CV-Boole Connect. So now everything is inside of Connect Object. We don't need this Connect object. We want it to be a polygon. So let's press C to make this a polygonal object. There you go. Let's rename this and let's call this Bristle_Boole. Let's go ahead and create the Boolean for the toothbrush. So select the toothbrush first and then select the Bristle_Boole object that we just made and then go into CV-Boole tools and select CV-Boole Subtract. And there is our Boolean. It's nice and clean. This actually renders really nice. Because we're not going to deform the head of the toothbrush I'm not worried about using Booleans. This actually looks nice if we render this. You'll see that this is nice and clean. So Booleans for this is perfect. It's fast. If we click on the toothbrush itself you can actually see the edges. Right now they're hidden because we have High Quality on and High New Edges. You'll see that all of our edges are there, actually, but we just have them hidden. And because we made all of those cylinders into one polygonal object, if we zoom back, you'll see that this actually moves really quickly. There's no lag at all. Let me go ahead and undo that. Let's go back in. So now we need to create the actual surface where the hair is going to grow out of. To do that we're going duplicate that Bristle_Boole object we just made and we're only going to keep the bottom section of that duplicate so we can generate hair out of the cap section. Let's open up that toothbrush group. Grab the Bristle_Boole and let's duplicate. Control, Click and Drag. The duplicate should be outside of the group. Go ahead and collapse the toothbrush group. Let's click on Polygons. You'll see that if we select the Rectangle Selection tool. Let's go ahead and go into the side view. Press F3. Make sure that your Rectangle Selection tool under the options we have Only Select Visible Elements turned off. And let's make a rectangle selection across the bottom of the cylinders. We only want these caps that are selected right now. So we need to get rid of the rest of the cylinder. Press U on the keyboard and then press I. That's going to invert the selection and then just press Delete. And if we go to Points you'll see that there are some points that are still lagging behind. To get rid of those let's just go up to Mesh, Commands, and select Optimize. And that will get rid of those points. Let's go back to Polygons and let's make a selection around those caps again. Right now the normals are reversed. If we were to add a hair object to this right now. The hair would be growing downwards and that's an issue. We don't want that. We want the hair to grow upwards. We need to reverse the normals. So to do that, we'll go up to Mesh, Normals, Reverse Normals and there we go. That looks right. Let's press F1. The last thing we're going to do is we're going to scale each one of these caps in just slightly. I want them to be a little bit smaller than the Boolean area. That way the hair doesn't touch the Boolean section. It'll sit right inside that Boolean area. To do that we can't use the normal scale tool. If I were to try to scale this right now you'll see that everything is scaling from one center area. We don't want that. That's not going to work. So the only way to do it is by using a different tool. Let me undo this. We're going to go up to Mesh, Transform Tools, and we're going to select Normal Scale. We have to make sure that all of your polygons are selected. So we do have all those caps selected. And then click on Normal Scale and then we'll see that Normal Scale tool icon appear. Now we can just Click and Drag and you'll see that they all scale locally. Okay? And that's what we want. So we just want them slightly scaled in right around there. That looks really nice. Let's go ahead and save this file out. Let me go up to File. Save As. And let's just call this ToothbrushBase_02. And save that out. So far everything is looking great. In this lesson we learned how to quickly create a nice pattern for the bristles to reside in by using the Cloner object and rapidly create the holes for the growth area of the bristles using CV-Boole Tools. With the bristle growth area in place, let's create the UV map and the color map for the bristle colors.
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