Dynamic Particles & MoGraph: Setting up a Simulation Using a Standard Particle Emitter

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  • Duration: 05:39
  • Views: 2701
  • Made with Release: 18
  • Works with Release: 18 and greater

How to setup a Cinema 4D Standard Particle emitter .

Let’s take a quick look at how a Cinema 4D Standard Particle emitter can be used to emit dynamic objects. This setup is extremely simple, and for some cases would be all you need to do.

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In case you didn't know how to set up a standard particle emitter as part of a dynamic simulation inside Cinema 4D, allow me to show you how it's done and a couple of problems it has. So let's begin. I have my laid spline, which is basically a glass container, and I have a capsule which is nothing more than a Primitive Capsule object over here. So I have a capsule, which is a capsule. How interesting. Let's set up the dynamic simulation. I'm going to go to my simulator and get an emitter. I'm going to use my Move tool, move it up, and then my Rotate tool to rotate it that way, and then go here and round it to the closest 90 degree. Now, what I'm going to do is get my capsule, make it a child of the emitter, rewind, press Play, and nothing happens. I'm going to render and see what happens. You can see the objects here, but you can't see them in the viewport. So I'm going to select the emitter and say "Show Objects". Now I'm going to rewind, press Play, and I can see my capsules. Fantastic. I'm going to change the birthrate to five and five, and rewind, press Play, and we have fewer of these capsules. Now, because I can't see them in my glass container, I'm going to right-click and add a Display tag, set it to be lines, set the style to Isoparms, and you can control the isoparms from the Lathe Isoparm Subdivision parameter. Excellent. So if I rewind and press Play, you will see that. Now, we can see these capsules going downwards at a steady pace. This is not dynamic, by the way. So how do we make it dynamic? Well, all we have to do is select the emitter, right-click, and go to Simulation tag. Add a Rigid Body, and let's press Play. Then, you will see that the emitter falls, but not the particles. So we need to correct something. With the Dynamics tag selected, you need to go to the Collisions tab and set the individual elements to All. Now, if you rewind and press Play, you will see that they fall as we would expect them to. Fantastic. The next thing I need to do is set the glass container to be collider. Right-click, go to Simulation tag, and make it a Collider Body, and you will see that something odd is going to happen. They are going to hit the top and fall off the side. But we want the glass to be properly hollow. All we have to do is select the Dynamics tag of the Glass emitter, and make sure that in the collision the shape is not automatic, because automatic does not calculate concave surfaces. We need to set it to Static Mesh. Rewind and press Play, and now everything works as expected. So now that we've seen how to do this, let's see what the problems are. Number one, let's assume that you've stopped your simulation here and you've set your camera, and you say, "Oh, this is fantastic. I want to freeze these so that I want to do some still renders." So you start by doing, "Okay. I'm going to select the emitter, and press C to make it editable." Or you can click on this. It's the same thing. Press C and, whoa. This doesn't look right. So you're going to undo. Hmm. Then, you're going to rewind and press Play again. Wait until it gets to that specific frame you want, and you're like, "Okay. Now, I've got it. I'm not going to make it editable. I'm going to right-click and say 'Current State to Object'. Ha-ha." Ooh, that doesn't work either. So you can see that the particles are where the particles are, not where the dynamic particles are. Hmm. So delete this. So how do we solve this problem? That's not very difficult. You need to go to the Edit menu, bring up your project settings, and go to the Dynamics and Cache, and Bake. You need to see a number here, and you can see now that the dynamic simulation has been baked. This is fanta-... Oh, what happened here? Well, the problem is the following. When the emitter stops emitting at Frame 150, which is something you will very often do, unfortunately, by caching the dynamics, although if you go forwards it works, once you've passed the 150 mark where the emitter stopped, if you backwards a frame, then everything disappears. Now, if you stay in this range where there were no particles generated, nothing will be visible. If you go back to 150, then it will move forwards. So you can go here, and then you can say, "Right-click, Current State to Object," and then you can take this, cut it, put it in your document, and be very happy with your lives. But in my view, that is a bit of a limitation, which I don't like. Because anyone could make a mistake and move it, and then you have to go back and forth, and sometimes you can have tens of thousands of objects. So although caching your dynamics is one possible solution, it is not the best solution. We are going to see the method to go around this and make it work properly in the next few videos. In the next video, we will see how to do the equivalent setup using a Thinking Particles emitter.
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