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Motion Capture to IK Retargeting 6
Posted: 05 April 2012 11:14 PM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-01-25

Very interesting series of tutorials.  I first watched all the tutorials (1-6) in this series and am trying to apply them to a character rig that I have.  I am using the relatively new Character Object (I believe “Advanced Biped”).  I followed each step of the tutorials series thoroughly but unfortunately cannot seem to get the rig to work.

My guess is the Character Object uses a rig that is slightly different in control scheme than the rig in the tutorial.  Unfortunately I have little idea about how to proceed.  At this point it may be quicker for me just to hand animate and use the mocap data I have as a reference.  Is there a tutorial somewhere that explains the integration of mocap data with the Character Object rig?  Any help is appreciated.


Posted: 07 April 2012 10:21 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  365
Joined  2006-05-17

afaik, re-targeting motion is usually done with a rig built specifically for those situations…and also built specifically for the Mocap format that you are using.

I’ll email Bret and see if I can elicit a response to the matter.

Posted: 24 July 2013 01:03 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2013-07-19

About allowing easier free mocap files/collections integration on C4D :

I have to see all these IK retargeting tutorials on Cineversity, but, would be great to have access to many diferent aproaches to mocap use on C4D.
Usually, one have to apply very fast solutions for some projects. ( other projects allow for more time )
An easy, fast and clear workflow for mocap animation on C4D, is a very important thing today.

Also, besides tutorials, would be great to have some additional materials available.
The creation or addition of new mocap rigs to the character object, would be great.
( maybe made available on Cineversity, even with an additional payment ? )

New rigs ready to be applied, to be used with some of the free mocap collections available on the web,
like de CMU mocap, for example.

. a good “set” of tools to be used with a version of CMU mocap would be great
. a ready rig for CMU mocap, to be used with character object,
. IK versions of these same rigs with constraints, etc.. to use the same rig with mocap and/or with IK
. to be able to mix mocap and animated poses, a clear worlfow that takes scale of the imported mocap rigs onto account
. importing tips
. a clear and useful motion clip workflow done with a demo character, etc.
. even a small script that help to import, scale, and “set up” the mocaps to be easy and fast added to an animated sequence
. a tutorial showing all this in action

All this could be done without updating Cinema4D. Just by making some files available to the community,
maybe a script that prepares the file sizes, orientation, and maybe doing a tutorial applying
the mocap motion clips, and the IK animated ones ( maybe just baked ? ),
to show all this working togheter.

What do you think ?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Posted: 24 July 2013 01:48 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  12043
Joined  2011-03-04

Thanks for the input Gamanimate.


I guess that is what you have in mind with CMU, I guess that is not common knowledge.

All the best



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