Using the Inheritance Effector: Playful Titles - Introduction

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  • Duration: 00:53
  • Views: 5759
  • Made with Release: 18
  • Works with Release: 18 and greater

Learn a different way of animating your clones, using the Keyframed Animation from another Object.

You're probably aware that you can use MoGraph to "choreograph" the motion of clones using Effectors. I'll show you a different way of animating your clones, using the Keyframed Animation from another Object. We will do this, using the inheritance Effector in "Animation" inheritance Mode.

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You are probably aware that you can use mograph to choreograph the motion of clones using effectors. In this mograph quick tip, I'll show you a different way of animating your clones using the keyframed animation from another object. We will do this using the inheritance effector in animation inheritance mode. This method is ideal for creating playful title animations and use just the effector's position and its falloff to animate the text in sequence. This is perfect for children's video titles and other fun stuff. Before we start, I have to make it clear that this particular method only transfers position, scale, and rotation animation to the clones, and doesn't deal with deformations and other animated parameters. Let's begin by animating a cube in a playful manner.
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