Texturing and Rendering a Wine Bottle: Configuring High Quality Render Settings for Final Images

Photo of Raymond Olsen

Instructor Raymond Olsen

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  • Duration: 03:03
  • Views: 2456
  • Made with Release: 19
  • Works with Release: 19 and greater

In this quick final video we’ll be dialing in our render settings to output our final images.

In this quick final video we’ll be dialing in our render settings to output our final images. Stay tuned for the next installment of the series where we will tackle creating a box for our wine bottle to live in.

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In this video, we'll be finishing our wine bottle project by dialing in Render settings to output the final images. So this is only going to take a few minutes, but I wanted to show you just a few tips and tricks in the Render settings panel as we finish up our wine bottle project. So let's go ahead and open our Render settings. And we're going to start out by going to Physical and cranking this up to high. And you can do all kinds of optimizations in these settings, but since we're just doing one still image, I'm just going to crank it up to high and leave everything alone. Then we're going to come up to output. I want a little bit higher of a resolution image for our finals, so I've got the ratio locked right here. So that means if I change one number, they'll both change and keep the same ratio. I'm actually going to use the built-in calculator in Cinema's fields to just multiply this times two. So now we've got a 1340 by 1740 resolution image, which is what I wanted. Next, we'll go over to Save. I'm going to go ahead and activate Save. And let's pick a place for our Renders to go. And for me, that's going to be my output folder in our project. And I'm going to use what's called a Render Token here, and that's $PRJ. And what that is is a Render Token that is going to query the name of your current project. So this image is going to end up being named Wine Bottle V11. And I do this a lot to keep track of where my projects are at, so my Renders have the same name as the project files. I'm going to take it one step further, I'm going to copy this with the slash and paste it again. So now, it's going to create a Directory with our project name and then it will stick our image into that Directory. And that will keep everything nice and tidy if we continue to make versions of our files. I like to save my images as PNGs, it's a lossless format that has a good compression ratio, so the file size is smaller but you don't lose any quality. And then I also like to save as 16 Bit, and that way if I do any color corrections in Photoshop when I'm done, I'll have a little bit more data to work with. And that's all I need to do. So I'm going to hit Render and let's just see what happens. So our Render is done. You can go to 100% here so we can see the nice detail that we've got in this high res Render, and that will look great in a magazine. And if we look in our Project folder, in the output, you can see there is our Wine Bottle V11 folder, and there is our Wine Bottle V11 Render. So that will do it for our wine bottle project. I hope you found this tutorial series very helpful and you learned a great deal. Stay tuned for the next installment of the series, where we'll tackle creating a box for our wine bottle to live in.
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