Team Render Server Enhancements in R17.032

Photo of Rick Barrett

Instructor Rick Barrett

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  • Duration: 03:18
  • Views: 11708
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 17

Monitor tab enhancements and option to disable user management.

The first service pack for Release 17 (R17.032) includes a few nice tweaks to Team Render Server. There's now an option to disable user management, so you don't need to login each time you access the web interface. Also, the Monitor tab is now displayed first, and includes a more complete overview of both Jobs and Clients. Within the Clients view, you can see what job is currently rendering on each client, and which frames are assigned.

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The bulk of the work on Team Render server during the R17 cycle was actually already made available in Release 16.050 because MAXON felt it was important that the stability enhancements to be pushed into the R16 cycle as well. However, a few minor enhancements came in with Release 17.032, the first service pack for Release 17. And we're going to take a look at those in this tutorial. The first is that in your Team Render server preferences, there's a new check box called Enable User Management. Now, many of you if you're like me, launch the Team Render server web interface, and you enter a username of admin and a password of admin, and then you hit log in. You don't deal with user management at the Team Render server level. Well now, there's a new option to disable the user management. And when you do that and launch the web interface, you'll notice that we now jump directly into the monitor tab, and there's no need to enter the username and password. There's no user tab and there's also no user column here in the jobs list. So user management is completely gone, which is actually very handy if you don't use it. And the next thing that you'll notice is that we jumped straight into the monitor tab rather than the jobs tab. The monitor tab has been made more compact, and it now shows more information. So it's really handy to be able to jump straight into this tab. Here on the tab, you'll see that we have both the jobs and the network information at a glance. And this window is responsive, so while they're side by side here because my browser interface is quite wide right now, if I minimize my browser interface, you'll see that the network tab drops beneath the jobs tab. And those columns will adjust as we resize the browser. You can also enable or disable individual sections here with these buttons. Now what's really nice is on the network tab, there is this new column Currently Rendering, and it shows you which project is currently rendering as well as the current frame that's being rendered. So you can see that here on this particular project, I'm rendering a single frame and distributing the render of that single frame. I'll also mention that one of the stability enhancements that came in 17.032 is some improvements to single frame rendering so that clients won't drop out quite as often. Now you can see that we've jumped in to the Cheese job. Let's just switch jobs here to something that's got some animation so we can see what that looks like. And here now that the Abstract Twirlers job is active, you can see that this is the frame range assigned to each client. And that's really helpful when you're trying to debug what might be going on with your jobs. So new monitor tab in Team Render server, while not new but reworked, that now offers both the job information and the network information at a glance, and that's what's new with Team Render in 17.032.
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