Siggraph 2014 Rewind - John Robson: Fake Particles, Fluid Sim and Photorealism for VFX

Photo of Cineversity

Instructor Cineversity

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  • Duration: 63:52
  • Views: 7059
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

In this presentation, John Robson demonstrates techniques from two projects he worked on with Mirada - advertisements for Vizio and Innova - as well as three separate short film projects he worked on independently.

In this presentation, John Robson demonstrates techniques from two projects he worked on with Mirada - advertisements for Vizio and Innova - as well as three separate short film projects he worked on independently.

John first demonstrates how the Camera Shader and PolyFX were used to create an animation that appears to move through a starfield with constellations that take on familiar icons.

In the Innova DNA promo, John utilized a MoGraph to Nulls preset and Tracer to link together atoms in a DNA strand. In the City promo for Innova, John shows another use for PolyFX - deconstructing a skyline. He also uses the Cloth Surface generator to add thickness and the Atom Array generator to create a truss structure.

John switches gears to demonstrate how he used Cloth’s tear functionality to add a shirt tearing in a visual effects shot for his short film Epoch.

In Supper Time!, another independent short film, John used Soft Body Dynamics, Realflow fluids and Tracer to simulate meatballs, sauce and spaghetti.

Finally, John delves deeper into Realflow and Maxwell Render as he demonstrates his most recent independent short film, Red Within. You’ll see how these powerful applications from NextLimit integrate seamlessly with Cinema 4D.

11:23Vizio Camera Shader
18:16Vizio PolyFX
22:29Innova DNA – Cloner, Tracer, Mograph to Nulls, Spline Wrap
31:51Innova City
38:12Epoch Shirt Explosion – Cloth, Attractor, Tear
43:28Supper Time
47:23Supper Time Meatballs - Soft Body Dynamics
50:12Supper Time Spaghetti Sauce Realflow
52:23Supper Time Spaghetti
55:53Red Within - Realflow Particles
60:44Red Within - Maxwell Render

Recorded Live at Siggraph 2014 in Vancouver, BC Canada

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