Pulley Tool: Introduction

Photo of Rod Ross

Instructor Rod Ross

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  • Duration: 01:31
  • Views: 5014
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Pulley Tool Preset.

In this introduction tutorial, you will learn about all the new features of the Pulley Tool Preset.

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- Introducing the new Pulley Tool. The Pulley Tool contains three presets that will help you get started with your project. The first preset is the two-pulley setup. With this setup, you can adjust the pulley sizes and distance. You can also rotate the pulley to align it. There is even an electric motor and pump attached. On all the pulleys, you can reverse direction, and adjust the belt speed. There are even guides to help fine-tune the belt speed. Pulley Tool is based on the cogwheel so you can customize your pulleys and make many different combinations. There is a timing belt preset that contains three pulleys and two tensioners. You can customize it by rearranging the pulleys and editing the belt spline. There is also a multiple-pulley setup that contains six pulleys that can be used for your setup. You can arrange them how you want and then draw a custom-belt spline to create your own pulley system. The Pulley Tool can be connected to any object and controlled by its B rotation. It can also be used with the gear tool for even more possibilities. In the next video, I will show you how that's done. Here's a quick animation to show the Pulley Tool in action.
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