Importing CAD Models into Cinema 4D: Series Overview

Photo of Rod Ross

Instructor Rod Ross

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  • Duration: 01:27
  • Views: 9340
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 17 and greater

In this tutorial series we will be discussing best practices for bringing CAD models into Cinema 4D.

In this tutorial series we will discuss some of the problems we run into when importing CAD models into Cinema 4D. We will also discuss ways to import, retopologize and UV CAD models, and what can be done with CAD models with Cinema 4D.

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- Hi, I'm Rod Ross. In this tutorial series, I'm going to show you how to take a CAD model and get it into Cinema 4D as quickly and cleanly as possible. In this video, I will give you an overview of that process. CAD models are different than the poly models we make in Cinema 4D. They are solid models that generally use booleans. Unlike poly models that use a subdivision surface to add detail, CAD models need to export all the information to make bevels and other details. They also use a mix of triangles and quads, which can make it difficult to set up your UVs. We will discuss this further in the following videos. What is the process we use to get CAD files into Cinema 4D? We will discuss file types and a translation and remeshing program that will make this process easier. In future videos, we'll discuss some of the common issues associated with CAD files, like topology NUV's and ways to fix them. We will also discuss ways of importing models into Cinema 4D. We will discuss the standard options in Cinema 4D and other software options, like Rhino and Rhino IO. We will also take a look at MOI, a low cost option that is a popular program for CAD export. Then, we'll demonstrate taking a CAD part into Z brush, and using the remesher and the UV master. We'll also show what can be done with CAD files that are brought into Cinema 4D, like using the bevel tool. Now that you have a sense of the process, let's start bringing CAD models into Cinema 4D.
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