Getting Started with Cinema 4D, Part 18: Introduction to the Take System

Photo of eyedesyn

Instructor eyedesyn

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  • Duration: 05:34
  • Views: 3627
  • Made with Release: 20
  • Works with Release: 20 and greater

In this video, you will be introduced to the Take System that allows you to easily iterate off of a main project file.

In this video, you will be introduced to the Take System that allows you to easily iterate off of a main project file and how you can effectively use takes to save different versions of a project in a single project file.

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Easily being able to iterate is important especially when doing client work, because sometimes, client wants to see a verity of styles that they can pick their favorite from. Now, in the past, this required making multiple project versions and managing a whole bunch of different files. But not with Cinema 4D Takes. Takes basically allow you to have a project within a project. In this video I'm going to show you how you can use the Take system for easy iteration. Now, to get to your Take manager, we're going to click on this Takes tab. And this is going to show us our Take window. So by default, we have a main Take. This is the Take where the main project that we're going to iterate off of. Now, if we wanted to create a new Take based on this main Take, we'll just click this little new Take button. And that will create a new Take or basically a new project version based on that main Take. And you can see which Take we're looking through, and making changes to by looking at which of these little viewfinder icons are highlighted. So we're in this new Take. We can name this Color 1 because we're just going to change the colors here. And what we can do now is go, and say we wanted to change the material on this background plane. You're going to see that everything is locked and it won't allow us to edit anything in this new Take. Now, we can do a couple of things to unlock some of these options and be able to edit them. One is to right-click and choose Override. And that will unlock that specific item or property that you can then edit, and it will all be stored in this Take. So if I go back to my Plane, go and say let's change this blue background to this yellow background, we're going to see that change, that updated. If I go into my Take manager, you can actually see all of the changes populate the category option right over here. So you can see in this Take, I edited the texture tag on the plane object, okay? So we can easily see all the things, all the changes that are stored in this one new Take. So what we can do instead of right-clicking and unlocking things manually, we can go and use the auto-take mode by clicking this button. And this will automatically allow us to go and say choose a material tag and just be able to edit it without needing to right-click and click that override. In this auto-override mode, everything is automatically overridden when you change that attribute, okay? So what I'm going to do now is just add new materials to all of my objects here by just writing over their old material tags, all right? So I just made a bunch of changes to all the materials, changed almost all of them. And you can see if I go to my Takes tab, you can see all the changes I made to all the texture tags and the objects that I changed them on. And again, this is all stored in this new Take. Now, if I go back to my main take by activating it and clicking on the little viewfinder icon and highlighting it, you can see all of those parameters that are stored and saved in that main Take. And I can toggle between all these different versions, which is really cool. So without creating a new project file and by using the Take system, we can actually iterate very easily based off of what our main project file is and store all the changes that we make to the Children Takes. Now, if our client wanted to see a bunch of these Takes, all we'd need to do is just render out all of the Takes. So if I go to Render and click Render All Takes to Picture Viewer, you'll see it will then render our main Take and then any of the other Takes that are in our Take list. So you can see, it just finished up our first Take or the main Take. And now, it's rendering out the alternate color version. So this is just really a great workflow tool to be able to iterate very easily and in the same project. Now, where the real power comes in play is say that your client says, "You know what? I like all of the color variations, but can I see the color variations with maybe the submarine a little bit smaller?" Now, what we'll do is to change and shrink down the submarine, we'll go back to our main Take and we'll just scale down that submarine group. And then what will happen is whatever we change in that main Take will cascade down to any other Child Take. So if I look through and activate that color Take, you'll see that the submarine scaling that I did on the main Take is also showing up in our Child Take. So whatever changes you make to the main Take or the Parent Take will cascade down to the Children Take. Now, it's also important to note that any changes you make in the Child Take will not actually go backwards and effect the Parent Take, okay? So this is extremely, extremely powerful. And again, if we wanted to then render this all out, render all the takes, we will render all these takes to picture viewer, and then send these off again to the client, and get feedback. So these really only scratches the surface of all the things that the powerful Take system can do. So be sure to check out the more in-depth videos on Takes on Cineversity to learn more.
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