Creating, Texturing and Rendering a Wine Bottle & Box: Gathering Reference Materials

Photo of Raymond Olsen

Instructor Raymond Olsen

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  • Duration: 01:46
  • Views: 3710
  • Made with Release: 19
  • Works with Release: 19 and greater

Using reference images to speed up project creation and realism.

We’ll take a look at the final render and then I’ll show you the reference images I used to aid in it’s creation. I’ll point out some specific areas that they helped with by giving me ideas that I would not have thought of on my own, resulting in a more realistic final created in less time.

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In this video we'll be taking a look at the package design that we're going to create. And then I'll show you a collection of reference images that I've gathered, and you'll see how having references will save you time by eliminating the guess work, and allowing you to focus on re-creating instead of inventing. So, here is the package design that we're going to be creating. Let me show you the references that I've gathered. Here's the black box that I used for reference on my project. And I used this reference to determine how much bevel I was going to add to the corners of my box, as well as how rough the texture of the cardboard is, and how that breaks up all the reflections on the surface. And then, when I took a close-up shot, I realized that there was ribbing showing through from the corrugated cardboard. That's probably something I wouldn't have thought to add on my own, but having these reference images helped me make that decision. So if we go back to the final here, you can see just a slight hint of that ribbing, and all of the roughness in the reflections of my cardboard. Here's a box I found that had shiny ink, next to a black matte cardboard. And you can see from a front view like this, there's really no detail in the ink. But from a side view you get a lot of reflections, and you can see that bumpy texture showing through. If we look back at my final, you can the stripe has almost no detail. But if you look at the cardboard insert on the left, in the shiny part, you can see that reflective, bumpy surface next to the less reflective matte surface. And even though both those colors are orange on the insert, I was still using this as my reference. And lastly, I wanted to show you a few close-ups of a wood texture that was similar to the look I was after. And the things I had paid attention to here are how the reflections are caught on the edges of the wood grain, and also how the reflection stops in the grain. Having a collection of reference images like these will speed up your workflow, and add realism to your renders. I highly recommend you gather a collection before you start your projects and use them as a guide while you work.
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