Creating, Texturing and Rendering a Wine Bottle & Box: Using Layers for Organization

Photo of Raymond Olsen

Instructor Raymond Olsen

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  • Duration: 04:11
  • Views: 2856
  • Made with Release: 19
  • Works with Release: 19 and greater

Creating layers and assigning objects to them for scene organization.

We’ll be creating a layer for the 1 page magazine layout setup, renaming our render camera and assigning all of our scene’s objects to this layer. Then we’ll create another layer for the 2 page magazine spread setup to prepare for the work we are going to do in this installment.

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In this video, we're going to continue preserving our work from the first installment by placing what we have done on a layer. Then we'll create a new layer for the work we are about to do in this installment. Instead of creating and managing multiple files, we can use layers to keep everything right here and freely switch between the two set-ups. Here we are, where we left off in the last video, and we're done with our Render settings. I'm going to shut those down. And we want to save our files with a new naming convention for this installment of the series, just to keep them separated. So I'm going to use wine bottle and box. I've got a V1 file here, I'm going to overwrite, so I'm going to save that out. That way we can keep our files straight. So now that we've got that taken care of, let's come down here to the layer's pallet, right here next to the Attribute Editor. And I'm going to double-click anywhere in this panel, and that way it's going to make a new layer. And then if you double-click your layer name, we can rename that. I'm going to name this "1 page." This is going to be for all of our one-page stuff that we made in the last series. I also want to go ahead and rename this camera, since we're going to be making a new camera pretty soon. I want to make sure we don't lose this camera. So, I'm going to rename that "1 page camera." And now let's go ahead and assign some of the stuff to this layer. I'm going to grab that top object, which is my background light. I'm going to select all the way down to the floor, and then I'm just going to drag those right onto this layer that we made. And now they have a corresponding color swatch right there, that matches our layer swatch color. So those have all been assigned. I'm going to skip the Sky object because I want the Sky object to be seen by both layers. So, any object that you don't assign to a specific layer, will be seen by all layers. So, we're going to leave the Sky alone, but I do want this Bottle assigned to the layer. But I'm going to go ahead and delete the white part, so it's just called "Wine Bottle." And I actually did receive an email, I'm not supposed to be using a white wine bottle with red wine, so I apologize to all the wine aficionados out there. I did not know. But let's go ahead and assign our Wine Bottle to our layer. There's a couple of ways we can do this. Since it has children, you can either drag it, and while you're dragging, hold the Ctrl key and assign that to the layer. And you can see that assigned the parent, the children, and all of its tags. I'm going to go ahead and undo that. And the second option that I know, is middle-clicking the object which selects the parent and their children, and then drag that down, just left-click drag, and that assigns the parent and children to the layer, but leaves the tags alone. So I'm going to do that, but feel free if you want to organize your tags by layer as well, but I'm just going to use this method for this series. And now, let's take a look at some of the switches down here in the layers pallet, now that we've assigned our objects. We're only going to pay attention to the first four in the series. And the first is a Solo switch, and that's going to solo everything out and hide everything else. So, you can see since the Sky is not assigned to our layer, it disappears. It disappears in the viewport as well, you just can't tell. Then, there's a Visibility switch. And if we turn that off, everything that's on this layer is going to disappear in the viewport. There's a Render Visibility. So, we still see everything in the viewport, but if we were to render this, everything on this layer would not be visible in the renderer. And lastly, is the Manger switch. And if we turn that off, that's going to hide everything that's on this layer from the Object Manager. And that'll be great because we can keep everything from the first series here, and pluck whatever we need out of it. And then when we're done, we just click that Manager switch and hides it all away, so we can have a nice clean Object Manager to work with. So, let's go ahead and make one more layer, double-click again, and this is going to be "2 page," and this is the layer that we're going to be using to put all of our new stuff on. And we'll be picking and pulling some of the stuff as we work. And that'll do it for the prep work. Now we can get down to business and start the next phase of our project. All the work we did in the first installment, still right here, and we can use it as needed in this installment without having to manage multiple files. In the next installment of the series, we'll introduce "Takes," which is going to allow us to utilize all of our multiple Render settings and our multiple layers together with just a single click. But for now, let's go ahead and start building the wine box in the next video.
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