Creating a Seamless Looping Flag Animation: Introduction

Photo of Kevin Aguirre

Instructor Kevin Aguirre

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  • Duration: 00:24
  • Views: 3132
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

Introduction on how to create a seamless looping animation using a Cloth Flag, Point Cache Tags, and Point Cache Deformers.

Introduction on how to create a seamless looping animation using a Cloth Flag, Point Cache Tags, and Point Cache Deformers.

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- Hey everybody this is Kevin Aguirre and in this tutorial we're going to cover some of the techniques you can use to create a seamless looping animation. We'll create a flag in the wind using Cinema's cloth tools and then cache that simulation into point cache tags. We'll then see how to offset and blend that point cache information using the point cache deformers to create an indefinite loop for your animation.
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