Copy C4D Splines to Illustrator with CV-ArtSmart

Photo of Rick Barrett

Instructor Rick Barrett

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  • Duration: 03:19
  • Views: 14599
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 17 and greater

Transfer bezier spline shapes between Cinema 4D and Adobe Illustrator

Learn how to use the FREE CV-ArtSmart plugin to copy spline shapes from Cinema 4D and paste them as vector artwork in Adobe Illustrator. Recent updates to CV-ArtSmart now make it possible to copy splines in Cloner, Fracture and MoText, as well as splines derived from selected polygon edges. This makes it easy to use Cinema 4D's MoGraph and 3D modeling toolset in your vector art workflow.

Get CV-ArtSmart from CV-Toolbox, and learn more about CV-ArtSmart's ability to import and add dimension to any Illustrator file on

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- Today, I want to highlight the function in the CV-ArtSmart plugin that's available here on Cineversity to copy splines from Cinema 4D into Illustrator. It's a really great workflow that allows you to take advantage of some of Cinema 4D's unique tools in order to create splines that you're going to use in Illustrator. So, let's start here actually with the basics. And here, I just have a spline primitive that's created in Cinema 4D, and I want to get this into Illustrator. Well, once you have the CV-ArtSmart plugin, all you need to do is go to CV-ArtSmart and choose CV-ArtSmart Copy. And that's going to put a copy of the spline in the Illustrator clipboard format on the clipboard. So, when I go and switch into Illustrator and paste, there you'll see my spline just as it was in Cinema 4D. So, let's look at another example. I just updated CV-ArtSmart so that it can support MoGraph objects, including MoText, cloners and also Edge to Spline, and so we'll take a look at that. Here, we've got some text and obviously, a lot of times you'll just very easily create your text in Illustrator, but say you add something like a random effective to it and you want to get this exact typeset into Illustrator. Well, you can just select the MoText object, go to CV-ArtSmart Copy and we'll switch into Illustrator and we can past that text. Another example, we'll go ahead and go back to Cinema 4D here, and here we've got a grid of hexagons. This is really easy to make with the cloner object and in fact, I can even apply a random effector, so that the sizes of those hexagons are somewhat varied within the grid. Again, I'll just select the cloner object and we'll go in and choose CV-ArtSmart Copy and back in Illustrator, we're going to paste those hexagons. Now, of course we can go ahead and scale that up if we'd like, and we can set that up as a pattern in Illustrator. All right, let's look at another example. If we go in here and here we have some snowflakes that are, again, created using Cloner. And this is actually defined using the Turtle mode of the MoSplines, so we actually are generating these splines based on L-Tree systems, and again here, I'll just select the cloner object and choose CV-ArtSmart Copy and we'll switch into Illustrator and paste. And there we have our snowflakes in Illustrator. And finally, one last example is another feature that I've added is the option to copy edges over to Illustrator. So, here in edge mode, I'm going to select my cone and make sure that all of my visible edges are selected. And we'll go ahead and choose Plugins, ArtSmart Copy. And now, if we go ahead and switch into Illustrator, we can paste those edges into Illustrator. So now you see how very easy it is to use the CV-ArtSmart plugin to bring splines from Cinema 4D into Illustrator as part of your design workflow. If you don't have CV-ArtSmart, you can download it for free from or via the CV toolbox installer.
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