New in Cinema 4D R20: Volumetric Workflow - VDB Introduction

Photo of Cineversity

Instructor Cineversity

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  • Duration: 01:34
  • Views: 17377
  • Made with Release: 20
  • Works with Release: 20 and greater

New Volumetric Workflow based on OpenVDB

In Cinema 4D Release 20, MAXON introduces a new Volumetric Workflow, that can be used for modeling and data transfer. It’s fully compatible with all other Cinema 4D core technologies, and is based on the OpenVDB library by Dreamworks Animation.
The new volumetric workflow allows artists to create very complex organic models in an extremely simple manner, combine objects seamlessly into a single volume, do fast volumetric boolean operations, morph between volumes, animate and finally mesh everything using the very fast quad-based mesher, that produces very clean topology.

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In Cinema 4D Release 20, Maxon introduced a new volumetric workflow that can be used for modeling and data transfer. It's fully compatible with all other Cinema 4D core technologies and is based on the Open VDB library by DreamWorks Animation. Please note that the inclusion of volumes does not mean that Cinema 4D can now render effects like smoke and fire. The new volumetric workflow allows artists to create very complex organic models in an extremely simple manner. Combine objects seamlessly into a single volume do fast volumetric boolean operations, and finally mesh everything using the very fast volume mesher that produces clean quad-based topology. You can also load VDB files and sequences created with other applications and use them within our current implementation. The Volume Builder, a procedural volume building generator, is the backbone of the volumetric workflow. It supports inputs for mesh objects, generated objects, mograph setups, splines (including procedural and editable splines, MoSpline and the Tracer object), standard and Thinking Particles and has been designed to work seamlessly with the very exciting new Fields technology. With the new volumetric workflow you can expand your creative vision and create organic models and effects impossible until now - and don't forget to check out all the other exciting new features in Cinema 4D Release 20 on
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