Animating a Confetti Drop: Introduction

Photo of Sean Frangella

Instructor Sean Frangella

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  • Duration: 00:32
  • Views: 5125
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

Introduction on how to create a sea of 3D confetti using a Particle Emitter and simulation effects.

Introduction on how to create a sea of 3D confetti using a Particle Emitter and simulation effects.

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♪ [music] ♪ - Hey everyone. Sean Frangella here with a Cinema 4D tutorial on how to create this sea of 3D confetti using a particle emitter and simulation effects. In this one we'll go over setting up the animation from scratch, including creating different confetti particles, setting up the emitter simulation, lighting and texturing our scene and post production effects in After Effects. We'll cover a lot of Cinema 4D tips along the way including one of the best parts, no key frames. Be sure to check it out and I will see you there.
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