Introduction to CINEMA 4D R10 and BodyPaint 3D R3

Photo of Cineversity

Instructor Cineversity

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  • Duration: 03:00
  • Views: 5155
  • Made with Release: 10
  • Works with Release: 10 and greater

Introduction to CINEMA 4D R10 and BodyPaint 3D R3 Series

CINEMA 4D Release 10 is one of the most user-friendly 3D applications available today, and includes the power to create almost any 3D animation or effect you can imagine.

This tutorial is designed to provide in-depth instruction in the process of developing a complete animation project. You'll learn each element of the production flow as you model and texture individual assets, merge them into a complete scene, add lighting and animate individual shots.

As you complete the project, you'll be exposed to most aspects of CINEMA 4D Release 10 as the modules included in the XL bundle and the Hair module.

Scene files are provided for each section, so you're free to skip sections and utilize the scene file provided as you complete the project.
