CV TileStitcher, Overview

Photo of Paul Babb

Instructor Paul Babb

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  • Duration: 04:16
  • Views: 4126
  • Made with Release: 13
  • Works with Release: 11 and greater

A description of CV TileStitcher and how to use it.

CV TileStitcher is a Photoshop script that re-assembles the rendering results from a tiled camera out of CINEMA 4D. The script supports multi-layered images including nested lights. This comes in handy for artists rendering huge resolution images with the tiled camera and Net Render. The script works with Photoshop 3, 4, 5 and 5.5.

Note: Make sure when you render, that you render out an animation that exactly the number of frames/tiles you have chosen in your tiled camera.
