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View Python: Setting Priorities


The following function can be used to set Priorities for objects that can have specific priorities(things like IK tags, constraints, morphs, etc. etc.).

def SetPriority(Mode, Value, obj):

    pd.SetPriorityValue(c4d.PRIORITYVALUE_MODE, Mode)
    pd.SetPriorityValue(c4d.PRIORITYVALUE_PRIORITY, Value)


Mode: Relates to the Drop down for the Priority. Should be populated with an int between 0-4.

0: Initial
1: Animation
2: Expression
3: Dynamics(R11.5)
4: Generators.

Anything over 4 will result in a Blank drop down.

Value: This is the number value you want to set your priority to. You have a range of 0-499.

obj: This is the object/tag that you want to set the Priority Data to.

Here’s an example of how to use it. First create a cube, then add a constraint tag onto it. With the Cube selected try the following code in your main function:

def main():
    SetPriority(4,100, tag)

