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View CAM

CAM is an acronym for “Computer Aided Manufacturing.”  This refers to the injection of a computer program somewhere within the manufacturing process by definition.  In practical terms, today’s use of CAM includes computer control over the process of actually removing material from a larger block or cylinder into the shape of an actual component or part.  If course, this method also has an acronym, CNC.  CNC devices and computer programs are often used in milling machines, lathes, routing tables, water cutters and laser cutters.  You can purchase a hobby-level CNC machine for a few hundred dollars.  For a similar amount, along with an investment of your time and skill, you can actually build a CNC machine, and use open source software to operate it.

We include the definition here as it is quite common to take the modeling output from Cinema 4D and use for CAM and CNC operations. 



