New in Cinema 4D Release 17 Quickstart: Animation Workflow and Keyframe Interpolation Enhancements

Photo of Cineversity

Instructor Cineversity

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  • Duration: 04:13
  • Views: 5342
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 17 and greater

Animation enhancements in C4D R17 include Euler Filter, Weighted Tangents and Marker Improvements

Learn about new enhancements to the animation workflow in Cinema 4D Release 17. A Euler Filter function adjusts rotation values to help eliminate gimbal lock. New AutoKey options make it much easier to manage F-Curves, eliminating overshoot and automatically weighting tangent values based on surrounding keys. Markers now

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Cinema 4D release 17 features many new animation and timeline improvements. From smaller items, like how your objects are displayed in the f-curves, to big ticket features, like new auto tangents an Euler filter and marker improvements, mean that if you animate, release 17 offers many new features for you. The Euler filter allows you to quickly and easily fix and adjust areas where gimbal lock has occurred. When you see certain wobbles in your animation, and large jumps in rotational values in your object's f-curves, you can run the Euler filter to help clean up your curves and create a smoother, cleaner animation. The auto tangents have received a substantial update in release 17. In addition to the classic mode of versions past, you now have options to have weighted and non-weighted tangents. Both of these new options make working with f-curve simpler and easier. The new remove overshoot option, which is enabled in both new modes, prevents the overshooting that was quite common in past versions of Cinema 4D. In this example, we'll take a look at the auto tangent's behavior in old versions of Cinema 4D, or the classic mode, and the new ones in release 17. You can see I have my foot controller selected here for my walk cycle. And for several of the keys, it holds the exact same position. Then it lifts and moves forward. If we open our f-curve editor and just isolate our Y position, you can see that there is a slight overshoot that happens here, despite the fact that these keys are both at zero, they're the same value, it gave us this sort of overshoot. If I select all my keys and I change it from Auto Key Classic to No Overshoot, you can see that it automatically got rid of the overshoot that we saw. I can click and drag this key and it won't create any sort of overshoot. In addition to the auto key No Overshoot, there's also auto key Weighted. The difference between Weighted and No Overshoot, are in the tangent lengths. Auto key Weighted will change the tangent lengths as needed to fit to the neighboring keys. If I drag this key up, you can see that the tangent handles adjust. If I drag it along its time, you'll notice that, as I get closer to a neighboring key, the tangent closest to that key gets smaller. And conversely, the opposite tangent will get larger. As I get more in the middle ground between the two keys, the tangents can sort of even out. If I were in No Overshoot mode, though, regardless of where I'm positioning this in time, the tangent lengths would be the same on both left and right. So, the two achieve the same no overshooting behavior, it's just the tangent lengths that are the key difference between the two behaviors. These new improvements mean you'll spend less time tweaking tangents to fix overshoot, and allow you to spend more time focusing on your poses and the rest of your animation. Markers have been given a few new updates that are quite handy. You can now create markers in the power slider by using control, shift and clicking within the power slider, bypassing the need to go into the timeline to create new markers. Markers now have new attributes that allow you to easily color your markers without the need to add them to layers like in versions past. In addition to color, markers now have a time length option which is displayed both in the timeline and the power slider. This makes it very easy to set a single marker and get your timing in order. Instead of needing to use two markers to bookend the note, you can now use a single marker, and set the length to make a note. These are just a few of the new animation improvements in release 17 designed to make animating in Cinema 4D faster and easier.
Cinema 4D release 17 features many new animation and timeline improvements. From smaller items, like how your objects are displayed in the f-curves, to big ticket features, like new auto tangents an Euler filter and marker improvements, mean that if you animate, release 17 offers many new features for you. The Euler filter allows you to quickly and easily fix and adjust areas where gimbal lock has occurred. When you see certain wobbles in your animation, and large jumps in rotational values in your object's f-curves, you can run the Euler filter to help clean up your curves and create a smoother, cleaner animation. The auto tangents have received a substantial update in release 17. In addition to the classic mode of versions past, you now have options to have weighted and non-weighted tangents. Both of these new options make working with f-curve simpler and easier. The new remove overshoot option, which is enabled in both new modes, prevents the overshooting that was quite common in past versions of Cinema 4D. In this example, we'll take a look at the auto tangent's behavior in old versions of Cinema 4D, or the classic mode, and the new ones in release 17. You can see I have my foot controller selected here for my walk cycle. And for several of the keys, it holds the exact same position. Then it lifts and moves forward. If we open our f-curve editor and just isolate our Y position, you can see that there is a slight overshoot that happens here, despite the fact that these keys are both at zero, they're the same value, it gave us this sort of overshoot. If I select all my keys and I change it from Auto Key Classic to No Overshoot, you can see that it automatically got rid of the overshoot that we saw. I can click and drag this key and it won't create any sort of overshoot. In addition to the auto key No Overshoot, there's also auto key Weighted. The difference between Weighted and No Overshoot, are in the tangent lengths. Auto key Weighted will change the tangent lengths as needed to fit to the neighboring keys. If I drag this key up, you can see that the tangent handles adjust. If I drag it along its time, you'll notice that, as I get closer to a neighboring key, the tangent closest to that key gets smaller. And conversely, the opposite tangent will get larger. As I get more in the middle ground between the two keys, the tangents can sort of even out. If I were in No Overshoot mode, though, regardless of where I'm positioning this in time, the tangent lengths would be the same on both left and right. So, the two achieve the same no overshooting behavior, it's just the tangent lengths that are the key difference between the two behaviors. These new improvements mean you'll spend less time tweaking tangents to fix overshoot, and allow you to spend more time focusing on your poses and the rest of your animation. Markers have been given a few new updates that are quite handy. You can now create markers in the power slider by using control, shift and clicking within the power slider, bypassing the need to go into the timeline to create new markers. Markers now have new attributes that allow you to easily color your markers without the need to add them to layers like in versions past. In addition to color, markers now have a time length option which is displayed both in the timeline and the power slider. This makes it very easy to set a single marker and get your timing in order. Instead of needing to use two markers to bookend the note, you can now use a single marker, and set the length to make a note. These are just a few of the new animation improvements in release 17 designed to make animating in Cinema 4D faster and easier.
Cinema 4D 릴리즈 17은 애니메이션과 타임라인에 대한 여러가지 새로운 기능들을 제공합니다. F-커브에서 여러분의 오브젝트들이 어떻게 디스플레이되는지와 같은 소소한 아이템에서부터, 새로운 오토 탄젠트, Euler 필터 및 마커 개선등과 같은 커다란 것까지 릴리즈 17은 여러분의 애니메이션을 위한 많은 새로운 피쳐들을 제공합니다. Euler 필터는 빠르고 쉽게 짐벌(gimbal) 락이 발생한 곳을 수정하고 조정할 수 있도록 해줍니다. 여러분의 애니메이션에 불안정한 부분이나 여러분의 오브젝트의 F-커브에서의 회전 값에서 커다란 점프가 있을 경우, 여러분은 Euler 필터를 실행하여 커브들을 매끈하게 정리하여 부드럽고 매끈한 애니메이션을 만들 수 있습니다. 오토 탄젠트는 릴리즈 17에서 획기적으로 업데이트되었습니다. 이전 버젼들의 클래식 모드 이외에, 릴리즈 17에서는 웨이팅 및 비-웨이팅 탄젠트를 가질 수 있는 옵션이 제공됩니다. 이들 새로운 옵션들은 F-커브를 이용한 작업을 보다 단순하면서도 쉽게 만들어줍니다. 새로운 오버슈트 제거 옵션은 이들 새로운 모드들에서 사용 가능한데, 이전 버젼의 Cinema 4D에서는 아주 일상적으로 나타나던 오버슈트를 미연에 방지할 수 있습니다. 여기 이 예제에서는, 구버젼 Cinema 4D 즉 클래식 모드에서의 오토 탄젠트 동작과 릴리즈 17에서의 새로운 오토 탄젠트 동작을 살펴 보겠습니다. 여기서 보시면, 워크 사이클 동안 foot 컨트롤러가 선택되어 있습니다. 그리고 여러 키동안, 완전히 동일한 위치에 머물러 있습니다. 그런 다음, 들어올리고 앞으로 움직입니다. 여기서 F-커브 에디터를 열고 Y 위치를 분리시키면, 여기에 약간의 오버슈트가 있다는 것을 보실 수 있는데, 이들 키들은 모두 0에 있어 모두 동일한 값인데 이런 류의 오버슈트가 일어납니다. 여기서 모든 키들을 선택하고 Auto Key Classic에서 No Overshoot로 변경하면 우리가 보았던 오버슈트가 자동으로 제거되는 것을 보실 수 있습니다. 이 키를 클릭하고 드래그해도 더 이상 어떠한 종류의 오버슈트도 생성되지않는다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. auto key No Overshoot 외에도 auto key Weighted도 있습니다. Weighted와 No Overshoot의 차이는 탄젠트 길이에 있습니다. Auto key Weighted는 탄젠트 길이를 필요한 만큼 변경시켜 인근 키들에 맞춥니다. 만일 이 키를 드래그 업하면 탄젠트 핸들이 조정되는 것을 보실 수 있습니다. 만일 이를 시간을 따라 드래그하면 인근 키에 가까워질수록 그 키에 가까운 탄젠트는 짧아지고 반대로 반대쪽에 있는 탄젠트는 커지는 것을 보실 수 있습니다. 내가 두 키 사이의 중간쯤에 오면 두 탄젠트는 서로 엇비슷해집니다. 그러나 No Overshoot 모드에서는, 내가 이를 시간 상의 어느 위치에 놓던 탄젠트 길이는 왼쪽과 오른쪽이 같습니다. 따라서, 이 둘은 동일한 no overshoot 동작을 얻을 수 있습니다. 즉, 이들 두 모드의 차이는 바로 탄젠트 길이이며 이 차이로 두가지 동작이 나타납니다. 이 새로운 개선 사항을 통하여 여러분은 오버슈트를 수정하기 위하여 많은 시간을 들일 필요가 없다는 것을 의미하며, 따라서 항상 포즈 및 애니메이션의 나머지 부분에 많은 시간을 쏟을 수있다는 것을 의미합니다. 마커들도 몇가지 새로이 업데이트되어 매우 편리하게 되었습니다. 이제 여러분은 파워 슬라이더 내에서 마커들을 생성할 수 있는데, Ctrl + Shift를 누르고 파워슬라이더 내에서 클릭하면 됩니다. 이제는 새로운 마커를 생성하기 위하여 타임라인으로 갈 필요가 없습니다. 이제 마커들은 새로운 속성들을 갖게되어 손쉽게 마커들에 칼라를 지정할 수 있으며, 이전 버젼에서 처럼 이들을 레이어에 추가할 필요가 없습니다. 이러한 칼라 이외에도 마커들에 time과 length 옵션이 제공되어 타임라인과 파워슬라이더 모두에서 디스플레이됩니다. 이를 통하여 매우 손쉽게 단일 마커를 설정할 수 있고 타이밍을 순서대로 할 수 있습니다. 이제는 두개의 마커들을 사용하는 대신에 하나의 마커를 사용하고 길이를 지정하면 됩니다. 이들은 릴리즈 17의 새로운 애니메이션 개선 사항들 중 일부로서 Cinema 4D에서의 애니메이션을 보다 빠르고 쉽게 할 수 있도록 하기 위함입니다.
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