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View Production Timeline

Cineversity Production Timeline

A quick rundown on the production pipeline for tutorials on Cineversity

First Time Authors - Author Audition

First time authors will be asked to create a brief video tutorial (3-5min), demonstrating a tool or technique in CINEMA 4D. Feel free to do multiple takes and edit your video/audio to remove pauses, “umm”s, or awkward phrasing - but please avoid jump cuts.

The audition tutorial will be sent to Quality Assurance (QA) for review. They’ll be looking for clear speech, general Cinema 4D ability, and whether your teaching style is a good fit for our site. It’s possible you will be given notes and asked to make changes. Once QA has vetted your tutorial, it will be sent up to management so that you can be approved as an author.

What Tutorial will you be making?

The next step will be to discuss ideas for tutorials you’d like to create. We have a tentative list of tutorials we need, but at the same time, we want you to make sure you’re doing work that lines up with your interests.

Making a Proposal

Once you’ve got some general ideas for tutorials that are in line with our needs, you’ll be asked to create a formal tutorial proposal. The proposal should include a brief description of the tutorial and a rough list of videos (~3-12 min long). Your Producer will help you if you have any problems with the format, and for more technical questions you’ll be able to brainstorm with a Cinema 4D expert from Quality Assurance.

Resource Example

Compensation and Establishment of Terms

Cineversity was not conceived or established to be a revenue generator for Maxon Computer, Inc., but as a resource for Cinema 4D users. So for your protection, in most cases, the total compensation for the creation of tutorials will be paid before tutorials go live as opposed to a revenue share or per-view payment. Please keep this in mind when putting together your proposal. Fees paid for tutorials vary greatly depending on the complexity of the feature, depth and scope of the material, and demand for the material. Please consult your Producer if you guidance when quoting your proposal. 

Compensation is typically structured with a down payment to start work and milestone payments as the project progresses (if applicable). Final payment is made upon completion of a tutorial or tutorial series (if applicable). All terms will be defined in a simple contract between the parties.

Creating an Outline

Once your tutorial proposal has been approved, you’ll create an Outline, which will list the titles and a short description of each video you plan to include in your course.

Resource Example

Establishing Milestones

Based on your Outline you’ll work with your Coordinator to establish reasonable milestones and deadlines. The goal is to support you as you create these tutorials, so that your course will be ready in time for its designated slot in our publishing schedule.

Script Writing

You will then write the script for 1-3 tutorials in the series. This will be sent to your Coordinator and to Quality Assurance for review. This way we can ensure your scripts match our teaching style before you’ve invested too much energy. You will then finish writing the scripts for all tutorials in the series.

Resource Example

Recording & Saving Project Files

You will record the first tutorial video. This will be sent to your Coordinator and to Quality Assurance for a quick check, to make sure things are going smoothly. You will then record the rest of the tutorial videos. As you record the videos you’ll be asked to save starting/ending-point files for each video so Cineversity.com subscribers will be able to follow along exactly with your video.


Your Coordinator will send you formatted title cards that you can place at the front of your videos. You will put title cards on the front of every video, add keyboard shortcut call-outs, and export an uncompressed version of the file.

Mailing the thumbdrive with all data to the Project Coordinator

You will mail a thumbdrive to your Coordinator. Shipping materials and thumbdrive will be provided for you by MAXON. The thumbdrive should include all uncompressed version of the tutorials, download files, and thumbnails of the finished project.

Author Gives Notes on Marketing Copy

You will be sent an advanced copy of the text that will be published on MAXON’s official twitter, facebook, and other marketing pages. We ask that you take a look at it and ensure that it accurately reflects the content of your course.

Series Goes Live & Final Payment

Your Coordinator will notify you when your tutorial series goes live. The Site Director will be notified so final payment can be sent.

Post-Mortem Corrections

We hope this will not be the case, but there may be edits to the tutorials that need to be made once they go live on Cineversity. You and Cineversity staff will go over and solve issues as they arise.

Category:Cineversity Author Information
