New in Cinema 4D Release 17 Quickstart: SketchUp (.skp) Importer

Photo of Cineversity

Instructor Cineversity

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  • Duration: 03:16
  • Views: 7607
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 17 and greater

Millions of models ready for import into C4D R17 with Sketchup Import

Import models from the SketchUp 3D Warehouse directly into Cinema 4D Release 17, and take advantage of the largest free model library on the internet. Learn about Sketchup Import options and texture handling, and see how Cinema 4D's Physical Sky can be used to simulate shadows based on the position of the sun.

This tutorial uses the U.S. Bank Tower model from 3D Warehouse.

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With Cinema 4D release 17, you can now directly import SketchUp files, giving you access to hundreds of free models available online. Here on the 3D Warehouse, I'm going to browse through some of the buildings that are available to download. And here we have the US Bank building which is located right here in downtown L.A. I'm going to go ahead and download that as a SketchUp model, and we'll go ahead and save that to my desktop. Now I'm going to go a head and switch into Cinema 4D, and I can either open or merge the SketchUp file. And I'll just choose open, and we'll find that USBankTower. SketchUp file on the desktop, and just double click to open it. Now, you can see we have options here in the importer to automatically create a physical sky, and a camera based on the stored viewpoint in the SketchUp file. You can also skip hidden objects and split objects by layer, and you might need to experiment with those options, depending on the SketchUp file. And we have an option here to show the statistics in the console, which might be helpful for debugging. So I'm going to go ahead and hit Okay, and here we have our US Bank Tower. And if I go ahead and activate the camera, you can see that same viewpoint that was shown on the 3D Warehouse site. One thing I do want to point out is that all of the textures are stored embedded within the SketchUp file. So, when you import that file into Cinema 4D, it's going to automatically extract the textures into a folder right beside the SketchUp file. And all of those are showing up right here in my folder. So it's a good practice to go ahead and put your SketchUp file into your project folder directory before you import it. Otherwise you'll have some texture folders to clean up later. So, let's go ahead and return to Cinema 4D, and we're actually going to be downtown L.A. in the shadow of this for SIGGRAPH 2015, but the question is, where and when is the shadow going to be? And for that we can use the physical sky that's imported with the SketchUp file. The location of the SketchUp file is automatically brought into this physical sky so this is the correct latitude and longitude for the US Bank building. We do need to adjust the timezone so I'm going to go ahead and switch this to -8:00 which is the UTC offset for Los Angeles. And if you're in daylight savings time, like we are now, it's -7:00. And we also need to adjust the daylight savings rule which I believe for LA is the second March Sunday to the first November Sunday. I think it's the longest daylight savings time. Really, I just change the clocks when they tell me to. So let's go ahead and enable this physical sky, and now we can see that if we roll around here at 7:30 in the morning, we're getting some nice morning sun. It looks like the sun is going to rise somewhere around 6, 6:30, and as we roll through the hours here, you'll see the sun pass across the building. And around 7:38, we're going to see sunset. And that sounds about right. So now that we figured out where the shadows are going to be, if only we could make it rain. Well even when California is in a drought, you'll have access to a deluge of 3D models available for free in the SketchUp format.
With Cinema 4D release 17, you can now directly import SketchUp files, giving you access to hundreds of free models available online. Here on the 3D Warehouse, I'm going to browse through some of the buildings that are available to download. And here we have the US Bank building which is located right here in downtown L.A. I'm going to go ahead and download that as a SketchUp model, and we'll go ahead and save that to my desktop. Now I'm going to go a head and switch into Cinema 4D, and I can either open or merge the SketchUp file. And I'll just choose open, and we'll find that USBankTower. SketchUp file on the desktop, and just double click to open it. Now, you can see we have options here in the importer to automatically create a physical sky, and a camera based on the stored viewpoint in the SketchUp file. You can also skip hidden objects and split objects by layer, and you might need to experiment with those options, depending on the SketchUp file. And we have an option here to show the statistics in the console, which might be helpful for debugging. So I'm going to go ahead and hit Okay, and here we have our US Bank Tower. And if I go ahead and activate the camera, you can see that same viewpoint that was shown on the 3D Warehouse site. One thing I do want to point out is that all of the textures are stored embedded within the SketchUp file. So, when you import that file into Cinema 4D, it's going to automatically extract the textures into a folder right beside the SketchUp file. And all of those are showing up right here in my folder. So it's a good practice to go ahead and put your SketchUp file into your project folder directory before you import it. Otherwise you'll have some texture folders to clean up later. So, let's go ahead and return to Cinema 4D, and we're actually going to be downtown L.A. in the shadow of this for SIGGRAPH 2015, but the question is, where and when is the shadow going to be? And for that we can use the physical sky that's imported with the SketchUp file. The location of the SketchUp file is automatically brought into this physical sky so this is the correct latitude and longitude for the US Bank building. We do need to adjust the timezone so I'm going to go ahead and switch this to -8:00 which is the UTC offset for Los Angeles. And if you're in daylight savings time, like we are now, it's -7:00. And we also need to adjust the daylight savings rule which I believe for LA is the second March Sunday to the first November Sunday. I think it's the longest daylight savings time. Really, I just change the clocks when they tell me to. So let's go ahead and enable this physical sky, and now we can see that if we roll around here at 7:30 in the morning, we're getting some nice morning sun. It looks like the sun is going to rise somewhere around 6, 6:30, and as we roll through the hours here, you'll see the sun pass across the building. And around 7:38, we're going to see sunset. And that sounds about right. So now that we figured out where the shadows are going to be, if only we could make it rain. Well even when California is in a drought, you'll have access to a deluge of 3D models available for free in the SketchUp format.
Cinema 4D 릴리즈 17에서는 스케치업 파일을 직접 임포트할 수 있어, 온라인 상에 있는 수백개의 무료 모델들을 액세스할 수 있게 되었습니다. 여기 3D Warehouse에서, 빌딩들을 탐색하여 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 여기 US Bank 빌딩이 있네요. 이 빌딩은 LA 중심가에 있습니다. 이 빌딩으로가서 스케치업 모델로 다운로드하고 이를 바탕화면에 저장하겠습니다. 자 이제 Cinema 4D로 가서 이 파일을 열기하거나 병합합니다. 여기서는 그냥 열기를 하기 위하여 바탕화면에서 US Bank Tower 스케치업 파일을 찾아 더블 클릭하여 이를 오픈합니다. 그러면 임포터 옵션이 열려 자동으로 피지컬 스카이와 스케치업 파일에 저장된 뷰포인트를 기반으로 카메라를 생성합니다. 여러분은 또한 숨겨진 오브젝트들을 건너뛰고, 오븢게트들을 레이어로 분류할 수 있는 데, 스케치업 파일에 따라 이들 옵션들을 테스트 해보실 필요가 있습니다. 그 외에 여기에 Show Statistics in Console 옵션이 있는 데, 이는 디버깅에 도움이 될 수도 있습니다. 이제 여기서 OK를 클릭하여 US Bank Tower를 C4D에 가져왔습니다. 더 나아가서 카메라를 활성화시키면 3D Warehouse 사이트에서 본 것과 동일한 뷰포인트로 이 타워를 보실 수 있습니다. 여기서 한가지 주목할 것은 모든 텍스쳐들은 스케치업 파일 내에 임베드되어 저장된다는 것입니다. 따라서, 이 파일을 Cinema 4D 안으로 임포트할 때, 자동으로 텍스쳐들을 추출하여 스케치업 파일 바로 옆의 폴더에 저장되하기 때문에 이 모든 텍스쳐들은 이 폴더에서 볼 수 있습니다. 따라서, 스케치업 파일로 작업할 때 좋은 방법은 임포트하기 전에 스케치업 파일을 여러분의 프로젝트 폴더 안으로 가져다 놓는 것입니다. 그렇지 않으면 나중에 정리해야 할 폴더들이 생기게 마련입니다. 이제 Cinema 4D로 되돌아가서, SIGGRAPH 2015 기간 동안 LA 중심가의 이 건물 그림자 안에 있게 될 것입니다. 하지만 문제는 언제 어디로 그림자가 생성될 것인지 알아야 됩니다. 이를 위하여 우리는 피지컬 스카이를 사용할 것인데, 이 피지컬 스카이는 스케치업 파일과함께 임포트된 것입니다. 스케치업 파일의 위치는 자동으로 피지컬 스카이 안으로 들어와 US Bank 타워의 정확한 경도와 위도가 여기 나타납니다. 따라서 우리가 필요한 것은 타임 존을 조정하는 것으로서, 여기로 가서 이를 로스앤잴래스를 위한 UTC(Universal Tine Coordinate) 오프셋을 -8:00로 바꿉니다. 그리고 만일 지금 우리처럼 일광 절약 시간대에 있다면 이는 -7:00이 됩니다. 또한 우리가 조정해야될 것은 일광 절약 규칙으로서, LA의 경우에는 3월 둘째 일요일에서 부터 11월 첫째 일요일까지 입니다. 가장 긴 일광 절약 시간입니다. 사실 저도 제 시계를 그렇게 맞추었습니다. 자 이제, 이 피지컬 스카이를 활성화시키고 이를 회전시킨 다음 아침 7시 30분 경이면 아름다운 아침 해를 볼 수 있을 것입니다. 아마도 해는 6시나 6시 30분쯤에 떠오를 것 같은데, 시간을 이렇게 돌려보면 태양이 이 빌딩을 지나가는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 그리고 7시 38분경에 일몰을 볼 수 있습니다. 이제 우리는 그림자가 어느 쪽으로 갈것인지를 알았습니다. 만일 우리가 비를 만들 수 있으면 좋을 텐데 말입니다. 캘리포니아가 지금 비록 가물었지만 여러분은 폭우처럼 쇄도하는 3D 모델들을 무상으로 스케치업 포맷으로 액세스하실 수 있습니다.
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