Mens Hairstyles and Mustaches with C4D: Shaping Hair Guides

Photo of Eric Reed

Instructor Eric Reed

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  • Duration: 05:49
  • Views: 4638
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 17 and greater

Shape and adjust your Hair Guides to give you a realistic hair style.

Shape and adjust your Hair Guides to recreate a realistic mens hairstyle.

Eric Reed is a CG Specialist with Hive-FX, a Portland, OR-based VFX studio. Hive-FX made a name for itself creating gruesome effects for the TV series Grimm on NBC. In that process, they've mastered all sorts of ways of turning people into monsters, including the use of Cinema 4D Hair. Other clients include Nike, Razorfish, Empire Green Creative, Wieden and Kennedy, Riddell and Microsoft.

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- Welcome back. In the previous video, we created our selection tag and our hair guides. This video, we're going to be shaping those guides. So let's grab our hair object, let's use the brush, and let's move to the tip mode. And let's start just generally brushing our guides to where we want it to go. We don't need to be overly particular at the moment. We just need to get it to the point where we can see how the material is reacting. We're going to come in and refine these guides two, maybe even three times before they're perfect. Using the human hair, it's a lot more guide dependent. If you were to be doing animal hair or a creature or something like that, you won't really need to worry about the guides very much, because most of it will just be made through the material itself, just going through those options. So let's just get it to the point where we can see how the material looks. If we have a problem area that we want to adjust, say for instance this guide is looking a little crooked, but we like the placement of the other guides, let's adjust this guide individually. If we use live selection and select it, when we toggle back to our brush, if we hit Selected Only, then we can isolate that guide. Also, I don't like how this root is facing, but the tip looks okay. Let's, instead of using tips, let's switch back to guides and select it. Now we have greater control over the entire guide, having access to every vertice on the spine. Okay. Now that we have something to look at, let's hit Ctrl+R. The first thing you should notice is that there's only one hair per guide. The way to fix this is if we go to our hair object, under the Root option, there's Auto. It's only placing one guide on "Auto" because we use Add Guides. If you were to use Add Hair, it would continue to use Polygon Area, and you would have hairs everywhere. So what we're going to use is Polygon Area. If we were to use Polygon, it distributes the number of hairs per polygon, so if your mesh is tighter in some places and looser in other areas, it'll look uneven. So, again, let's stick to Polygon Area. If we test this out, now we have hair. Next thing to do is to make the thickness of the hair. If we come into our Hair Material and go to the Thickness tab, we're going to see a Root to Tip option. Now I like to keep the Root to Tip symmetrical. That allows for cleaner control using the spine. So let's set the Root to .03 and the Tip to .03. Let's test this out. That looks a lot better. Now human hair is cut, so it doesn't have a taper like fur. However, to help out the anti-aliasing, let's bring this down just a little bit. Give it a try. That looks better. Okay. Now, for the sides of the head, remember it's going to be shaved, so let's select all those guides. Okay. Now that we have all our guides selected, let's get to the Straighten tool. Not that menu, not that menu, not that menu. Found it. Straighten. If you click and drag, you can straighten your hair. Oh! Looks like we've got a straggler. We need to deselect him, and let's straighten again. Great. Now let's select our tips so that we can brush them. And now just do an easy brush downwards. This is going to mimic more like animal fur. This is really all you would need to do for that. Just get a general flow. The material properties are going to take care of the rest. Okay. Now that we have that, let's scale it down. Okay. Let's give this a test render. That's looking better. In the next video, we'll create a density map to refine the border of the hair. Thanks for watching.
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