Mens Hairstyles and Mustaches with C4D: Part Hair with Multiple Hair Objects

Photo of Eric Reed

Instructor Eric Reed

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  • Duration: 07:00
  • Views: 3654
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 17 and greater

Create a clear part in a character’s hair by using two separate hair objects.

Create a clear part in a character’s hair by using two separate hair objects.

Eric Reed is a CG Specialist with Hive-FX, a Portland, OR-based VFX studio. Hive-FX made a name for itself creating gruesome effects for the TV series Grimm on NBC. In that process, they've mastered all sorts of ways of turning people into monsters, including the use of Cinema 4D Hair. Other clients include Nike, Razorfish, Empire Green Creative, Wieden and Kennedy, Riddell and Microsoft.

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- In this video we are going to be looking at the part in the hair. Also we're going to be making a second displacement map, possibly even play with guides. Let's look at these guides. They're obviously brushed apart, but how do we know exactly where the part is going to be? Let's take a look at this. If we test render it, that is not a very good part because some of this hair and some of this hair they're being interpolated together. There's no part there. We can come into here and turn on...if we grab our hair material and go under partings tab there is auto partings. Let's give that a try. Again you can see that this doesn't look very good. Now we could go and add a whole bunch of guides down here to make sure this part is a little bit straighter, but there is another issue. The clumping doesn't respect the auto parting so you're going to get clumps from this side and this side reaching together and you'll have wild stray hairs everywhere. So the best way to do this is to split our hair systems. To do that we're going to need a map, so let's paint a fine map of where we actually want this part to be. So using the texture that we already have, let's refine it. Go to our brush settings. Increase the pressure. Now it follows all the way from the peak here. So let's do that. We'll have it end in a V. Now that we have that done let's use the UV view to remove the remaining white. Okay, again let's save this texture as a JPEG. Use Save Texture As not Save Texture. Let's name this Separate Map. Okay, now we have our maps. Let's find out how to apply them. Go back to our normal view. Make sure to enter object mode to break us from the UV paint mode. Now we can see that the map is already applied on our head. Let's adjust these guides to make sure that they follow a good part. Under simulate add guides. Now these guides are really close. Let's try a different method. Select your roots and hit unroot guide. Now using our move tool let's just raise those up a bit. Okay, that's looking better. Now let's reroot those guides. Go into set roots and hit apply. Okay, let's separate these hair systems before we adjust these guides. If you control click and drag we can duplicate the hair object. Name this one...wait before we do that let's make it a little bit simpler. Let's go to guide mode. Use the live selection. Now we have the guide selected. Now let's duplicate it. Let's name this one "hair side," and this one "hair top." If you uncheck hair side you can see that there is hair there. Because this is the top we don't want those guides on the hair. Let's delete those. Let's grab hair side and invert the selection by hitting UI and delete those. We need to equalize the length of these guides. The easiest way to do that, under the guides tab, set the length. It will retain the shape. Let's do the same to the top. Now we can finish shaping these guides and get them to a better place. In the next video, we're going to finish splitting our hair systems, and we're going to finally apply our maps. See you next time.
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