Glank: Sound Effector in Practice: Pulsating Spheres

Photo of Joseph Herman

Instructor Joseph Herman

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  • Duration: 09:08
  • Views: 1955
  • Made with Release: 17
  • Works with Release: 17 and greater

In this video, we’ll look at how the pulsing spheres component was created.

The pulsing spheres was created with a cloner object, dynamics and a sound effector. In this video we’ll examine how to manipulate the various attributes of the sound effector such as the filter shape to get the spheres to behave exactly as we want.

Music and found object instruments by Paul Rudolph.

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♪ [music] ♪ - Now let's take a look at how I created those pulsating spheres. We're going to start with three spheres here. They're all on top of each other. There is this sphere which is a golden color. There is this sphere which is a silver color and then there's this sphere which is like a copper color. Underneath of it is this cylindrical plate. I'm going to go ahead to the MoGraph menu now and make a cloner object. Then I'm going to make this cloner object a child of one of these spheres temporarily. I'm going to do this so I can just a zero out its position and then it'll pop right to the center of one of these spheres. That's an easy way for it to get there without having to do it by eye. Then I'll unparent it and then I'll stick these three spheres inside the cloner. Now I'll zoom out a little bit and you can see that the cloner is starting to clone these spheres. It's doing it in a linear way. I want to change it from linear to grid array. Then I'm going to make it four by four by four. This gives us 64 clones. Then what I want to do is decrease this amount to zero by zero by zero, which basically puts all the clones right on top of each other in this space. Now let's click on the cloner and give it a rigid body tag. Then in the collision tab, I'll set the inherit tag to apply tag to children, individual elements, all. Now I'll zoom out a little bit and hit play. As you can see, as soon as I hit play, all the clones exploded out from each other and fell down. The reason that that happened is because the 64 clones all occupied the same area right here, same coordinates. So when dynamics were applied to them, they all tried to get out of the way from each other and thus that created this explosion effect. Now I'll click on the force tab and I'll set the follow position to eight. You may recall from a previous video that follow position tries to make an object that's being affected by dynamics return to its original position so even though the dynamics is having an effect on the object, it's going to always try to get back to its original position. Let's hit return, and let's move in a little closer this time, and let's hit play and see what happens. You can see what's happening is that the clones still try to get out of the way from each other but then quickly try to move back to their starting point, creating this cluster of spheres that are held together by the force of them wanting to return to their original position. Okay, so now let's go ahead and make the sound effector object. And for the sound, we're going to use the whole mixed song together, so I'm going to use this full mix track here. Next, I'll switch to the parameter tab, uncheck position, and click scale because we want the sound effecter to effect the scale of the clones. We want to do it uniformly, in other words, we don't want to scale the X and Y values separately and we'll enter a scale factor of 25 here. Let's rewind. Okay, let's press play and see what happens. ♪ [music] ♪ Whoa, that is big. This thing is gigantic. Right away we can see that there's problems with it. ♪ [music] ♪ The first thing we're going to do is we're going to switch to the effector tab and we're going to change the apply mode from all to step. When it's at all, all the clones are affected the same way. That is to say, the sound level affects all the clones the same amount. By choosing step, the low end, the mid range, and the high tones affect the clones differently. Some are affected by the low, some more affected by the mid range and some are affected by the high end. Now let's hit play and see what happens. ♪ [music] ♪ That's a little bit better. At least the clones aren't scaling all up and down uniformly. But the other problem that's happening here is that the low end of the frequencies are having too much of an influence on the clones so that the ones on the low end are scaling really big and in the mids and the highs, they are staying very small. To fix this problem, we're going to use this over here, the filter shape. Now by clicking in the filter shape we can make a point and if we click on another point, we can then for example make a graph here that will influence the way the sound affects our shapes. This type of shape in the frequency graph basically means that the lower end of the frequency range is going to be lessened while starting from the mid range and the higher ends of the frequency are going to be much louder. You can see somewhere around where the low end begins, it starts getting lower and lower. Let's rewind and see what this looks like. ♪ [music] ♪ That's much better. I sort of like having some of these remain small in the upper frequencies as well as there's a nice mixture of mid range and lower frequency influence on the clones. Now if we play it, you'll see that the clones are going right through this plate. ♪ [music] ♪ We don't want that to happen. We want this plate to deflect the clones up because it supposed to be made out of solid metal. Let's go ahead to the cylinder, right click on it, and give it a collider body tag. There. Okay, so now let's move in a little bit and let's rewind and play. ♪ [music] ♪ Okay, that looks good and that just about does it for the pulsating spheres. Let's move on to the next video.
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