Cinema 4D Lite Reference: Modeling with Booleans

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  • Duration: 06:16
  • Views: 8188
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

How to create models using Booleans. They’re just like cookie-cutters.

Using Primitives and generators, allows for modelling a huge variety of objects. But there’s one more method that allows you to expand your modelling toolset by combining the objects you already created, using “Boolean” operations, in order to create even more complex forms. It’s something like using Cookie-cutters to shape your cookies.

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- Using primitives and generators allows for modeling a huge variety of objects. But there's one more method that allows you to expand your modeling toolset by combining the objects you already created using Boolean operations in order to create even more complex forms. To facilitate me with this demonstration I'm going to create a cube and click and hold and create a sphere. Move tool, pull the sphere out and I'm going to use the orange dot to make it slightly smaller. So now you can see that my sphere and my cube intersect slightly. I'm going to go here, click and hold and select the Bool generator. Now if you select the Bool generator, and go to the object tab, you will see that the Boolean type by default is A subtract B. What I'm to do, I'm going to double-click on the name of the cube and call it A. Double-click on the sphere and call it B. And I'm going to show you what the Bool needs to work. It needs two objects. Object A is the first child. Object B is the second child. And because the operation is set to subtract, it will subtract the second from the first one. There you go. So now if I move my sphere you will see that the Boolean shape changes. Now this doesn't look very pretty, does it? Well, let's go to the Boolean and make sure always high quality is on, create single object depends on what you want to do, hide new edges is an interesting one. Because it hides all those edges which are coplanar and are not really needed. So now we have a clean result. So this is rule number one. You use two objects, one on top, one on the bottom both siblings, children of the Bool, and the operation is applied. Now let me show you something that's kind of interesting. If I make a null, and make the null the second object, let me call the null B. I'm going to put the sphere in the null. And what I'm going to do is add one more object. Let's say another cube. I'm going to use my scale tool to scale down the cube, and move it to this side. Good. If I make the cube a sibling of this sphere because both these are under a common parent, then the whole contents of the null gets subtracted and they're considered the object B. But there's one minor catch. Make sure when you use this technique your two objects that reside in the group do not overlap. Because then you're going to get unexpected results. You can see that it subtracts it from here but you can see it on this side. So it's advisable to say that providing these two objects are not intersecting each other. You can actually get away with this. And you can do some pretty nifty tricks. I'm going to delete the cube, drag and hold my command key to make a copy of the sphere and put it on the other side. Now because I can't see and I have to navigate all the time, I can go to my top view, maximize it so now I know exactly where everything is. Another drag copy pressing Cmd on the Mac or Ctrl on the PC, and I can actually do that here, Cmd-click and drag and I make another copy. And I'm going to make all these siblings, Mr. B. And if I go to my 3D view, now I've subtracted four spheres from my cube. Let me show you something that's not Boolean related but we're going to use it with Booleans. I'm going to create a simple cylinder and go down here and make it thinner. Then I'm going to create this little object, the array object. And drop my cylinder as a child of the array. The array, let me select it, creates a rotational configuration of the object you have as it's child, with a certain radius and a certain number of copies. Excellent. Now I'm going to make another cylinder. I'm going to make it bigger so it overlaps with these little buggers, make sure the cylinder is a bit thicker and I'm going to make the cylinder a bit taller. What I can do now because I have two objects is get a Boolean and subtract from the big cylinder this array of cylinders. If I select the Boolean and say hide new edges as well, you'll see a nice clean result and there you go. How simple it is to create odd objects like this. And you can continue adding to it. You can create a cone and make the cone taller and wider. Create another Boolean. Let's turn off hide new edges. Let's make the Boolean the first child and the cone the second child. And there you go. You have a nice whatever this is. And you can continue this way and start cutting holes. To close off this chapter, I'm going to talk about the relationship between materials and Booleans. So here's our shape and it's made up from quite a few objects. I'm going to create three materials. Double-click, color red, double-click, color green, double-click, color blue. Excellent. If I drop this on the topmost parent, then everything will become blue. But if drop this on this cylinder, then only the parts of that cylinder will become blue. And if I drop this on this cylinder those parts are going to become green. And if I drop this on the cone that part of the cone is going to become red. So Booleans allow us to colorize the different parts that are comprised from different aspects of your Boolean using different colors. And there you have it. Booleans are a great way to create interesting forms, two objects at a time.
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