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3D Printing Workflow with Cinema 4D

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3D Printing Workflow with Cinema 4D

Learn the basic workflow of 3D printing, starting with Cinema 4D and exporting via STL into a slicing application like MakerBot Desktop, Simplify 3D or Cura. There’s some key things to consider when preparing models in Cinema 4D for 3D printing,

3D Printing Workflow with Cinema 4D

Learn the basic workflow of 3D printing, starting with Cinema 4D and exporting via STL into a slicing application like MakerBot Desktop, Simplify 3D or Cura. There’s some key things to consider when preparing models in Cinema 4D for 3D printing,

3D Printing Workflow with Cinema 4D

Learn the basic workflow of 3D printing, starting with Cinema 4D and exporting via STL into a slicing application like MakerBot Desktop, Simplify 3D or Cura. There’s some key things to consider when preparing models in Cinema 4D for 3D printing,

3D Printing Workflow with Cinema 4D

Learn the basic workflow of 3D printing, starting with Cinema 4D and exporting via STL into a slicing application like MakerBot Desktop, Simplify 3D or Cura. There’s some key things to consider when preparing models in Cinema 4D for 3D printing,

Third Party Resources

If you’d like a different perspective on getting quickly up to speed with the most essential parts of Cinema 4D there are a number of great options.

  1. External link.

    3D Fluff’s CINEMA 4D 15 Crash Course in Under an Hour

    “Just want the basics with no faffing about? In this crash course video tutorial [Mash] will show you the things you need to know to get started without taking a moment to breathe”